Rulebook on measures, methods and procedures for the protection and safety of students during their stay at school and all activities organized by the school XC560-43B35208Download
Decision on the appointment of a person for the protection of personal data. Odluka-o-odredivnju-lica-za-zastitu-podataka-o-licnostiDownload
Report on cash flows in the period from 01.01.2021. until 31.12.2021. ИЗВЕШТАЈ-О-НОВЧАНИМ-ТОКОВИМА-у-периоду-од-01.01.2021.-године-до-31.12.2021.-годинеDownload
The budget implementation report for the period from 01.01.2021. till 31.12.2021. ИЗВЕШТАЈ-O-ИЗВРШЕЊУ-БУЏЕТА-у-периоду-од-01.01.2021.-године-до-31.12.2021.-годинеDownload